You got Packages!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

YEah!! Rite before puasa.. I received a NICE Fruit Jelly with Special Sauce ! 290808.Pucuk DI Cita ulam mendatang, Memang ako makan sengsorang je balik umah. Sorry Moon, adar, dilla.. ako bolot sorang je hehehe..

Memang dah lama teringin nak makan, last makan tu pun tahun lepas punya Pot luck.. Tima kasih pada whitelilies blog, pas ako komen pasal tajuk Pija cheese kek tu.. trus dapat Fruit Jelly nie .. TQ Pija... Yu mmg best!!

IT sounded cute when i received the note.. "Yu makan tau, ajak mun, dilla, aida and sapa2 je la. Tapi sauce dia x sedp sket . Sorry ... [ai] "

Yeah rite xsedap sket la sangat, when i brought that jelly home, wowow all my family enjoy it and ask for the recipe.. hehe i Told you pija.. yu punya jelly nie mmg sedap la..

Emm i think should give her sumthing back.. maybe my own secret Karipap ... Or Sambal Teluq !!


[sly](^_^) said...

Dear jelly sender. Stay away from his sambal telur. i mean it ! it can kill u in second !

Anonymous said...

Itu dulu la sly.. last AEON ago..sekrg dah sedap and recipe dah upgrade la..hhohoh

Anonymous said...

jelly sender in da house!!haha

aiyo sly, izit tru his sambal telur can kill ppl?

ok sila bawak karipap yu.sambal telur ai rijek! :P

Anonymous said...

Baik yu.. Karipap ai yu xpenah rase.. maryam hari tu siap x cukup masa buat pot luck sabtu ahad ritu..hehe..

Rugi..oke cam ai kata xkan nak pulangkan tupperware ngan isi kosong..kena balas balik nie..

Rugi la xmerasa sambal telur.. my specialty tu..hwahaha. DIorg nyer taste buds problem..tu kata membunuh

whitelilies island said...

x aci laa...
kak pija sengaja bg kat en.stan tym sy xde...
ni komplot x puas ati.. huh!

Anonymous said...

en. stan, nasib baik aku x brp minat sgt fruit punch tu. kalu x....siap la hg!!! hehe....

Anonymous said...

Bukan mcm tu la.. Pija suruh bagi kat korang semua rasa tapi ako yg bolot semua ..

Muahahaha.. sedap slurrp slurrrp....

korang makan sambal teluq ako dah la.. Ke nak karipap ako

Anonymous said...

nk dua2 bole x?

whitelilies island said...

bleh plak srh plh2..kalo nk bg tu bg je..xyah srh plh2..nmpk sgt x ikhlas..ahahaha ;-P

aku nk karipap ko laa..ehehehehe...

[sly](^_^) said...

Anti Sambal Telur Stan

Anonymous said...

jgn le jeles ye.lain kali saye kasik awk makan.

sila la pulangkan tupperware itu dengan karipapnye sekali ye. :P